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Management Liability

Helping directors face the future and conduct business with confidence

Why Choose AIG Management Liability Insurance?

The misconception that privately held companies do not need management liability insurance can be financially devastating to companies and their executives if they are faced with legal action. In Singapore's increasingly litigious business environment, companies and their directors and officers are subjected to more onerous duties and responsibilities, and face a growing risk of being the target of legal action as a result of the management and business decisions they take.

Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance cover from AIG assures that our clients will have the highest quality legal representation and assistance from the first moment that an action commences. Dragonshield™ is our best-ever suite of management liability insurance solutions, designed from scratch to meet the needs of our business partners in Asia.

The AIG Advantage

AIG Management Liability Solutions

Public and private companies, partnerships and "not for profit" entities.

DragonshieldTM Corporate Liability Insurance

Customised for medium to large size and/or listed companies.

Market Leading Coverage:

  • Exclusive Value-Added Services including a free corporate governance training sessions by Clyde & Co.
  • No proposal form required at renewal
  • Automatic Renewal Option
  • "Difference in Conditions" cover for the previous policy. In the event of a claim, if the previous policy has a broader coverage aspect than DragonshieldTM, terms and conditions of the previous policy will apply.
  • Global Liberalisation - "Difference in Conditions" cover where local AIG policy provides better coverage.
  • Elective Side A Reinstatement option to purchase a Side A reinstatement of the limit a Claim is reported.
  • Investigation Costs for Derivative Demands cover for investigation costs incurred by the company where a derivative demand is served by shareholders
  • No Pollution Exclusion (subject to individual risk profile)

PrivateEdge Insurance

Customised for private companies with total asset size less than SGD 50 million.

Coverage Highlights:

Management and Corporate Liability Cover

PrivateEdge reimburses the Company, its directors or officers for the loss resulting from any claim alleging a wrongful act. The coverage highlights are as follows:

  • Protection for company and natural persons
  • Additional indemnity limits for board of directors
  • Defence costs relating to breach of contract claims
  • Indentity Fraud coverage for the Company when any party other than the employee of the insured Company fraudulently represents the insured Company
  • Crisis event - public relations consultation
  • Investigation costs coverage
  • Public Relation expenses for corporate manslaughter
  • Bodily injury and property damage defence costs
  • Emergency costs - coverage incurred before written approval is obtained from the Insurer if Insurer's consent cannot reasonably be obtained
  • Civil fines and penalties where insurable by law
  • Lifetime discovery period for retired managers
  • Extradition costs
  • Insured Person's Tax Liability Cover
  • Asset and Liberty Cost ensures timely defence when an asset is confiscated or the liberty of the director or officer is restricted
  • Public relations expenses other than Crisis Event expenses
  • Court attendance allowance
  • Reproduction cost of lost or damaged documents
  • Automatic cover for new subsidiaries
  • Continuous cover provision - provides cover for claims not notified prior to commencement of renewed policy period (thereby providing incentive for renewal)

Indemnity Limits:

A quotation can be provided to eligible clients on site up to the following limits of liability with the completion of the Quick Application Form. Higher limit of liability options are also available on request.

Management and Corporate Liability: S$5 million

Employment Practices Liability: S$1 million

Product Details

Dragonshield™ is our best-ever suite of management liability insurance solutions, designed from scratch to meet the needs of our business partners in Asia.


Designed in Asia for local, international and global businesses, we believe our management liability insurance solutions will give directors and company officers the confidence to make the right decisions for their businesses.

What's new?

We've expanded our market-leading D&O cover, Dragonshield™, into a suite of complimentary products offering our clients the greatest possible protection.

Dragonshield™ Entity Investigation Cover

Complimentary cover with the DragonshieldTM D&O policy offering true entity cover for investigations (separate limit of liability).

Dragonshield™ POSI

The market's leading IPO form mirroring the dynamic cover in the DragonshieldTM D&O policy.

IPO Boost

Transferrable limits from the POSI form to the D&O policy over a period of 3 years. Cementing the reason to purchase both D&O and POSI cover during an IPO.


Additional features

  • BIPD Exclusion: provides carve-backs for Non-Indemnifiable Loss, Insured Persons Defence Costs and Securities Claims.

  • Future Securities Offering: extends to cover all Non-US securities offerings (including IPO in another country).

  • Tax Liability: also covers unpaid corporate taxes of the Company where the Insured Person’s liability for such non-payment of tax is established by law.

  • Securities Claim: amended to meet the regulatory procedures faced by Asian companies.

  • Civil Fines and Penalties: affirmative cover for violation of the FCPA, 15, USC Section 78dd–2(g)(2)(B) and Section 78ff–2(c)(2)(B).

  • Regulatory Crisis Event Costs: expanded pre-investigation cover (internal investigations).

  • Specialist Counsel: counsel costs for advice on any Securities Claim in any foreign jurisdiction.

  • US IvI Exclusion: amended by no longer excluding claims by insured persons.

  • Mitigation Costs / Mitigation Prosecution Costs: pre-claim cover for the principal purpose of avoiding a Claim being made by a potential claimant.

Want to learn more?

Please contact your broker for more information about DragonshieldTM, or contact us directly at

A standalone policy that serves to protect companies, directors, and officers from claims arising from a company’s capital raising.

In any initial public offering or private placement, errors or omissions in a prospectus, offers information statement or profile statement can put the issuing organisation and the directors and officers involved, at risk. They should be protected against damages awarded against or settlements negotiated with the insured, including costs of defending such suits, legal costs and expenses awarded.

Provides broader, more relevant coverage, with fewer restrictions and more unique value added services.

  • Provides flexible and comprehensive protection and services to cope with the downsides that occur in business for private companies.

  • Provides flexible and comprehensive protection and services to cope with the downsides that occur in business for "Non for Profit" entities.
  • The specific terms, conditions and exclusions applicable to this insurance are as set out in the policy.